The run was so much fun though. It flew by! There were over 20 of us running. Everyone broke into groups depending on the pace they wanted to keep during the run. My mom, one of the trainers at Prime and her husband, another gym member and myself all ran together. The conversation was lovely, which is probably why the run went by so fast.
However, the brunch was better than the run! My mom made some wonderful food. It was in.credible.
Just look at this table. Just look at it.
Amazing, no? She's such an amazing hostess.
Now, the food.
I took this picture right before the masses hit the food. There was roasted tomatoes, roasted asparagus wrapped in purcuto, veggie hashbrowns, frittata, turkey saucages, candied bacon (with brown sugar and pepper), fruit, and raisin toast. AND my favorite, Amish oatmeal = YUMO
Every time I run I want to eat this meal afterwards :)
Here's my plate.
There was the smoked salmon frittata, veggie hash, grapes, a roasted potato, and a Baby Bell cheese. The crystal bowl had the Amish oatmeal, which is a version of baked oatmeal, blackberries, strawberries and blueberries. I don't even remember the last time I ate a fresh berry. This makes Shayna a happy girl :)
My mom also used her juicer for this creation.
FRESH orange and grapefruit juice. It was so tasty. I love her juicer and the creations it creates.
It was a great gathering of people, complimented by scrumptious food. It doesn't get any better!
thx for the entries!