I really do have an excellent reason for my absence on the blog these past few days. Monday I had a midterm, so I needed to focus on that for a few days, and then yesterday, I couldn't find my camera cord to import my photos over unto my computer. I love my husband! He's so good looking and strong!
So I can bring you all my photos today.
This was my breaky:

More leftover pumpkin oats. After eating this bowl, I went straight to my 8 o clock class. When I got there, there was a sign on the door - CLASS HAS BEEN CANCELLED - I was not a happy camper. So I had time to hit the gym.
My work out was incredibly random.
Warm up of 5 minutes on the elliptical
12 squats on the bosu ball (these are trickier than they look)
Skipped for one minute
12 one legged lunges with a 20lb shoulder press
Skipped for one minute
12 squats on the bosu ball
Skipped for one minute
12 one legged lunges with a 20lb shoulder press
Skipped for one minute
12 chest presses on a swiss ball
Skipped for one minute
12 chest presses on a swiss ball
At this point in the work out, I didn't know what to do next, so I ran for 20 minutes. Then I just finished up with a few ab exercises and stretching.
Breakfast was great, but by the time it was time for lunch, I was starved!
Extreme Pita Pizza of the Thai Chicken variety. So tasty. After lunch, it was back to class for Mac Skills for Writers. This class feels pretty long by the end of the three hours. I was definitely ready to go home.

The pizza was made out of a whole wheat pita, chicken, tomato sauce, red onion, green bell pepper, broccoli, mozzarella cheese, and spicy Thai sauce. Mmmmmm I want another one :)
D wasn't home last night. He was out taking a course he needs for work. So I was on my own for dinner, and decided to go vegetarian.

Rice and Beans. I like this meal a lot actually. I made the bean mixture. It had a can of black beans (rinsed and drained), onion, red bell pepper, garlic, vinegar, chicken broth (OK, so it wasn't entirely vegetarian, but I didn't have any vegetable broth), and pepper. I served this over rice. Good stuff!
And now, this morning breakfasts! I made Vanilla Spice Oatmeal.

It had oats, water, a tiny bit of brown sugar, raisins, vanilla, nutmeg, cinnamon, topped with toasted walnuts, a dollop of non-fat yogurt, and a few banana slices.